Daily Archives: August 25th, 2010

Watch This Now: Tenielle – “Better Than Leaving”

“I’m riding on a fast train in the opposite direction of my place…”

For some strange reason, I remember the first time I saw this video more vividly than any other video I’ve seen this year. It was after seeing the Magic Numbers at the Metro in Sydney, and getting back to my mate’s place at some ungodly hour. We threw on rage, and most of the videos were hilariously bad. If you’ve ever done an all-nighter with the show, or at least tried to, you’ll know the old rule of “one more bad video and I’m going to bed”. We were just about ready to pack it in – until Tenielle (full name: Tenielle Nada Musulin) came on. She came, we saw, she conquered.

This is a dreamy, gorgeous video for a lovely piece of pop-oriented country music – more Lisa Mitchell than Waylon Jennings, if you will. In turn, the video is adorably summery and visually stunning. Whether it’s as simple as riding a bike or walking along the street, it feels like Tenielle is in some kind of breezy utopia as she does it. The fact she’s absolutely gorgeous – both in her flowery dress and in her sleek black formal gown – also played no small part in me falling in love with everything about this video. What can you say, really? It’s simple, it’s cute and it’s like a big hug tellng you that everything’s gonna be okay. Thank you, Tenielle – this is just lovely.